Monday, March 10, 2014

All About Me!

Hello World, my name is Kirklyn Nishida. I am 14 years old and I'm originally from Maui, Hawaii. I love drawing anime and fishing with my dad. My favorite foods are mochi, crab, okra, baked potatoes, and chicken soup. I love going to places, I've gone to Las Vegas, California, and most of the islands of Hawaii. In the future I hope to go to places like Japan, China, and New York. I am currently attending Kapa'a Middle School. Everyone in my class created s blog to display their work from G.T.

In my free time I like to draw and watch anime. I also like playing video games and playing with my dog.  I don't like a lot of english music artist but I like Maroon 5, R 5, Imagine Dragon, and Lorde. I mostly like anime music from Vocaloid, IA and Jin. A few songs I like from them are The Lost Memory, Headphone Actor, Chain Girl, Six Trillion Years an Overnight Story, Aimless Imitation Chair Stealing Game, and Artificial Enemy. I like this music because they are from some of  my favorite anime series. The anime I like watching is Attack on Titan, Mekakucity Actors, Sunday Without God, Blue Exorcist, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Upotte.

When I have a career I want to be a Pharmacist or Marine Biologist. I want to be a pharmacist because my aunty is a pharmacist and her job seems cool. I want to be a marine biologist because i love studying marine life and things about the ocean. In the future I hope to take all honors in high school and get straight A's. I also hope to improve on my drawing skills and digital artwork.


  1. I realy like your all about me! SO FUNNY!!! And your photo is a good example of what you look like.

  2. I really like how descriptive it is! Awesome!

  3. I love your anime background, I am yet to watch that one but soon! Great post and nice picture.

  4. I like your background and music taste.

  5. Awesome blog Kirklynn! I really like how your blog really reflects your personality. Especially the anime side! Hope you can post your drawings!
